
Mars vs venus

In Uncategorized on September 13, 2011 by worldfellas



Nudism’s a whole new science in men’s fashion

In Uncategorized on September 13, 2011 by worldfellas

There was a time when men gawked at topless models and made the best of the situation, and women had to accost with shirtless images of hunks and be happy with just that.

But now it’s a whole new science. The men fashion industry has moved out from the oldie but goldie formula of being too peppy being shirtless and experimented out with what women have been doing for centuries, they have tried out being nude in the true sense of way. Men seem to have got accosted with nudism. Fashion brands have started experimenting with the said trend.

They attract women, and men too

If you think you’re obsessed with a particular male model or one of a kind, don’t be surmised if you find a couple or a trunk of pictures of them in your boyfriend’s closet. It’s irrevocable that men would be obsessed with men.


It’s not rocket science, anyway

Being the billboard model isn’t at all an Albert Einstein job. It doesn’t require you to frame long equations that make you blush. Well anyway, the golden rule is: don’t blush. All it requires you to do is to incessantly keep your jeans unbuttoned, and never be shy if your photographer asks you to shoot nude. And all it requires is to be blush proof and not shy away from showing away pecks of your genitals.

Proved: Renaissance painters were foolproof

If you’ve visited any museum hosting such paintings, and provided that you’re not a no nonsense member of the old school, you must have felt cold beneath your feet seeing the shirtless nude paintings of the hunks (addressed to both men and women), sharing the stage with women with little less to wear. Anyway, old people are not always old school.


Show it off, dude

It isn’t anyway a big deal to show off things that you’ve been taught at school to hide from the world. Breaking the rules is all it actually matters.






The 9/11 slipshod genes

In Uncategorized on September 12, 2011 by worldfellas

It was a fine morning from what it started but till the Americans realized the spate of the day: it was the dark day for America. By some years America had made its way to its economic downfall, and had earned itself a big brother like image, with analysts seeking China as the chief economic successor by 2020(though White House spokespersons refer them as economic competitors).

America, powered by political agendas of the then president of United States, supported by the then Prime Minister of United Kingdom waged a war on the middle east countries, wrongly targeting the Muslim world as a whole, that made the whole idea of Islamism seem linked with terror.
And on the tenth year of the 9/11, a terror alert have been issued across New York and Washington that intimidates itself as a revenge of the raid on Bin Laden. At this situation, when the validity of terror threat is not known, we still need to keep ourselves secure since if the terror threat has to take place, it indeed would before the actual threat is known.